Get task's Outputs for a user

{ getTaskOutputsForUser }

Returns the list of outputs ids for a Task Id according to the roles assigned to the task and the user



  • API Section: /API2/tasks
  • API Version: 2.0
  • From Release: 2020.0
  • Usage: REST API only via POST actions.
  • Usage by:
    • Enterprise Admin
    • Domain Admin
    • Pro
  • Input Parameters



    Object Type


    An object specifying the requested task id and user id .

    Output Response

    Successful Result Code


    Response List Type

    Description of Response Type

    A generic object used to contain ID of item.. Note that the response is returned as a list of items of this object type.


    Each task can produces any amount of outputs, each output is a downloadable fileThe file can be download usingpyramidInstallation/fileDownload?outputId=outputIdBy any logged in user